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Inglês | Português |
As luck would have it | Por azar |
As luck would have it | Por infelicidade |
Excuse me, would you let me by? | Dá licença para passar? |
He said he would be back in an hour | Ele disse que voltaria em uma hora |
He would not hurt a fly | Ele é incapaz de matar uma mosca |
I never thought I would live to see the day | Pensei que este dia jamais chegaria |
I never thought it would go this far | Nunca pensei que chegasse a esse ponto |
I will die first ? I would rather die | Prefiro morrer |
I would be glad to ? I would be happy to | Com prazer |
I would be happy to | Com prazer |
I would go, except it is too far | Eu iria, se não fosse tão longe |
I would go, only I'm too tired | Eu iria, se não estivesse tão cansado |
I would like to very much | Eu gostaria muito |
I would like you to meet... | Quero apresentar-lhe... |
I would love to | Eu adoraria |
I would love to ? I would enjoy that | Eu gostaria |
I would not bank on his word | Eu não confiaria na palavra dele |
I would not dream of it | Nem penso nisso |
I would not know | Não sei dizer (informar) |
I would not know | Não sei lhe dizer |
I would not know him from Adam | Nunca o vi mais gordo |
I would not put it past him | Ele é bem capaz disso |
I would not put it past him | Não ponho a mão no fogo por ele |
I would not think of doing such a thing | Eu jamais pensaria em fazer tal coisa |
I would not wish it on anyone | Não desejo isto para ninguém |
I would rather go than stay | Prefiro ir a ficar |
I would rather not go | Prefiro não ir |
I would rather stay home | Prefiro ficar em casa |
I would rather you didn't do that | Preferiria que você não fizesse isso |
I would sooner go hungry than eat that | Prefiro passar fome a ir comer isso |
I would starve first | Prefiro morrer de fome |
I would sure like to | Bem que eu gostaria |
If you would please | Seria um favor |
Is there anything else you would like? | Deseja mais alguma coisa? |
It is nothing like I thought it would be | Não é nada daquilo que eu pensava |
It seemed as if the day would never end | Parecia que o dia nunca ia terminar |
It would be wiser | Será mais aconselhável |
It would have been better | Teria sido melhor |
It would have been worse | Teria sido pior |
It would not surprise me one bit | Isso não me surpreenderia nem um pouco |
It would not work | Não daria certo |
It would not work out anyway | Não ia dar certo mesmo |
May be it would | Talvez fosse |
Perhaps that would be better | Talvez isso seja melhor |
That would be great | Seria ótimo |
That would be nice | Seria bom |
That would be sheer nonsense | Seria uma grande bobagem |
That would not do any harm | Isso não lhe faria mal algum |
We would often go to the movies together | Nós íamos muitas vezes juntos ao cinema |
What advice would you offer? | Que conselho você daria? |
Who would have thought it! | Ora, quem diria! |
Who would have thought it? | Quem diria? |
Would not you like some coffee? | Não quer tomar um cafezinho? |
Would not you like to know! | Bem que você gostaria de saber |
Would you be kind enough to open the door for me? | Quer ter a bondade de abrir a porta para mim? |
Would you be so kind? | Quer ter a bondade? |
Would you believe it! | Será possível! |
Would you care to dance? | Quer dançar? |
Would you care to join me? | Quer me acompanhar? (participar) |
Would you care to join us for lunch? | Está servido almoçar conosco? |
Would you come with me? ? Would you care to come with me? | Quer me acompanhar? |
Would you kindly close the door? | Quer ter a bondade de fechar a porta? |
Would you like anything else? | Deseja mais alguma coisa? |
Would you like coffee? | Quer café? |
Would you like coffee? | Quer tomar um cafezinho? |
Would you like me to get you a cab? | Quer que eu chame um táxi? |
Would you like some coffee? | Aceita um café? |
Would you like some more...? | Aceita mais um pouco de...? |
Would you like some more? | Aceita mais um pouco? |
You would better | Acho bom (aconselhável) |