Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra "worked"

Everything came (or worked or turned) out rightDeu tudo certo
Everything went just fine - It worked out very wellDeu tudo certinho
Everything worked out well (or just fine)Deu tudo certo
He edged (or made or worked) his way through the crowdEle abriu caminho através da multidão
He worked his way upEle subiu à custa de trabalho
He worked least and was paid mostEle trabalhou menos e ganhou mais
He worked out a planEle elaborou um plano
He worked out a planEle traçou um plano
He worked up his wayEle subiu pelos seus próprios esforços
It seems to have workedParece que deu certo
It workedDeu resultado
It worked for mePara mim, funcionou
It worked out all rightDeu certo
The bolts worked looseOs parafusos afrouxaram-se
Things have turned (or worked out) badlyAs coisas saíram mal