Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra were

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As though it were only yesterdayComo se fosse hoje
Even it were soAinda que fosse
His political rights were suspendedEle teve seus direitos políticos cassados
How old did you say you were?Que idade você disse que tem?
I can remember às if it were only yesterdayEu me lembro como se fosse hoje/ontem
I can remember it às though it were only yesterdayLembro-me como se fosse hoje/ontem
I thought you were someone elsePensei que fosse outra pessoa
I wish it were soAntes fosse assim
I wish it were soOxalá fosse assim
I wish it were trueAntes fosse verdade
I wish it were trueQuem me dera que fosse verdade
If it were not so thatSe não fosse por isso
If it were only trueSe fosse verdade
If it were so easySe fosse tão fácil assim
If that were all it wasSe fosse só isso
In my day things were differentNo meu tempo as coisas eram diferentes
Many tears of joy were shedVerteram-se muitas lágrimas de alegria
Many trees were rooted up in the stormMuitas árvores foram arrancados pela tempestade
No injuries were reportedNão houve feridos
Our prayers were grantedNossas preces foram ouvidas
Tears were rolling down her cheeksAs lágrimas corriam-lhe pela face
The cattle were rounded upO gado foi arrebanhado
The charges were droppedA queixa foi retirada
The efforts were crowned with successOs esforços foram coroados de êxito
The family were seated on the lawnA família estava sentada na grama
The guests were given the run of the houseOs convidados tiveram livre acesso à casa
The instructions were clear-cutAs instruções foram claras
The minutes were read and confirmedA ata foi lida e aprovada / As atas foram lidas e aprovadas
The plans were kept under wrapsOs planos foram mantidos em segredo
The police were tipped off about the crimeA polícia havia sido avisada sobre o crime
The streets were alive with peopleAs ruas estavam cheias de pessoas
There were crowds of peopleEstava "assim" de gente (gesticulando)
There were many fatalities in the firePerderam-se muitas vidas no incêndio
There were many no-showsHouve muitas desistências (viagem)
There were no casualitiesNão houve vítimas
There were no witness to their quarrelNinguém presenciou a briga deles
There were three left overSobraram três
They were dancing cheek to cheekEles estavam dançando de rosto colado
They were handing out leaflets on the streetEles estavam distribuindo folhetos na rua
They were married secretelyCasaram-se em segredo
Those were the happy daysBons tempos aqueles!
We were cut offCaiu a ligação
We were cut offCaiu a linha (tel.)
We were dogged by bad luckFomos perseguidos pela má sorte
We were elated over the victoryFicamos eufóricos com a vitória
We were stabbed in the backFomos apunhalados pelas costas
We were staggered by the newsNós ficamos abalados com a notícia
Were there any calls for me?Alguém me telefonou?
What were you about to say?O que ia dizer?
Whole cities were blotted out by bombsCidades inteiras foram arrasadas pelas bombas
Whole cities were wiped off the mapCidades inteiras foram varridas do mapa