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Inglês | Português |
A dog ran out on the playing field while the game was in progress | Um cachorro correu dentro do campo enquanto o jogo estava em andamento |
A good time was had by all | Todos se divertiram |
A meeting was set up | Marcou-se uma reunião |
Actually it was not so | Na verdade não foi bem assim |
Actually it was not so | Não foi bem assim |
An attempt was made on his life | Ele sofreu um atentado |
As a child, he was starved for love | Quando criança, ele era carente de afeto |
Britain was once mistress of the seas | A Inglaterra foi a rainha dos mares |
Ever since I was a child | Desde criança |
Ever since I was a child | Desde pequeno |
Gambling was his undoing | O jogo levou-o à ruina |
He could not get it through his skull that he was wrong | Ele não se convencia de que estava errado |
He is my friend, or rather, he was my friend | Ele é meu amigo, ou melhor, foi meu amigo |
He was able to combine business with pleasure | Ele conseguiu unir o útil ao agradável |
He was able to command respect | Ele conseguiu fazer-se respeitar |
He was accepted to law school | Ele entrou na faculdade de direito |
He was admitted to the hospital | Ele deu entrada no hospital |
He was arrested | Deram-lhe voz de prisão |
He was as good as his word | Ele cumpriu a palavra |
He was at his best | Ele teve o seu melhor desempenho |
He was back in a wink | Ele voltou num instante |
He was born out of wedlock | Ele é filho ilegítimo |
He was born to immigrant parents | Ele é filho de imigrantes |
He was born with a silverspoon in his mouth | Ele nasceu em berço de ouro |
He was caught in the meshes of the law | Ele caiu nas malhas da lei |
He was charged with murder | Foi acusado de assassinato |
He was charged with theft | Foi acusado de roubo |
He was counted out | Ele recebeu a contagem final (boxe) |
He was discharged from the hospital | Ele recebeu alta hospitalar |
He was fired | Ele recebeu o bilhete azul |
He was given a big hand | Ele recebeu muitos aplausos |
He was hit full in the face by the ball | A bola o atingiu em cheio no rosto |
He was in for a big surprise | Ele caiu do cavalo (fig.) |
He was in the Christmas play | Ele participou da peça de Natal |
He was killed outright (or instantly) | Ele teve morte instantânea |
He was knocked out | Ele beijou a lona (boxe) |
He was moved with pity | Ele teve pena |
He was never quite the same | Ele nunca mais foi o mesmo |
He was on his best behavior | Ele teve uma conduta exemplar |
He was overwhelmed with emotion | A emoção tomou conta dele |
He was swallowed up by the crowd | Ele desapareceu na multidão |
He was taken prisoner | Ele caiu em mãos inimigas |
He was taken prisoner | Ele caiu prisioneiro |
He was the life of the party | Ele animou a festa |
He worked least and was paid most | Ele trabalhou menos e ganhou mais |
How long ago was that? | Quanto tempo faz isso? |
How the West was won | A conquista do oeste |
How was your trip? | Como foi de viagem? |
I felt like two cents ? I was terribly embarrassed | Fiquei com a cara no chão |
I was absent from class | Faltei à aula |
I was afraid of that | Eu já esperava por essa |
I was amazed | Fiquei assombrado |
I was amazed | Fiquei espantado |
I was as wrong as I could be | Eu estava completamente errado |
I was away from home during the weekend | Passei o fim de semana fora |
I was beginning to worry | Eu estava preocupado |
I was devastated | Fiquei arrasado |
I was discharged from the army | Dei baixa do exército |
I was disturbed at the news | Fiquei transtornado com a notícia |
I was embarrassed | Fiquei sem jeito |
I was embarrassed to death | Quase morri de vergonha |
I was flabbergasted | Caí das nuvens (fig.) |
I was greatly disappointed by the movie | Fiquei muito decepcionado com o filme |
I was horrified by the child's behavior | Fiquei horrorizado com o comportamento da criança |
I was ill at ease | Fiquei constrangido |
I was in and out of the office all day | Entrei e saí do escritório o dia todo |
I was in for a big surprise | Caí do cavalo (fig.) |
I was in for a hard (or rough) time | Passei por maus bocados |
I was in for a hard (or rough) time | Passei por maus momentos |
I was in for a hard (or rough) time | Passei por maus pedaços |
I was in the dark about this | Eu ignorava isso |
I was just leaving | Estava de saída |
I was just leaving | Já estava de saída |
I was just lucky | Dei sorte |
I was just thinking about it | Eu estava pensando nisso agora |
I was just thinking out loud | Pensei em voz alta |
I was left holding the bag | Fiquei a ver navios |
I was left in the lurch | Fiquei na mão |
I was passed up | Fui passado para trás |
I was pleased at the news | Fiquei contente com a notícia |
I was pleased at the news | Fiquei satisfeito com a notícia |
I was politely insulting | Dei um tapa com luva de pelica |
I was promoted | Passei de ano |
I was put to shame | Passei a maior vergonha |
I was put to shame | Passei o maior vexame |
I was puzzled | Fiquei perplexo |
I was quite worried about that | Eu estava muito preocupado com isso |
I was shocked by his uncouth behavior | Fiquei chocado com seu comportamento grosseiro |
I was sold on the idea | Adorei a idéia |
I was stabbed in the back | Fui apunhalado pelas costas (fig., lit.) |
I was stood up | Levei um cano (fig.) |
I was struck speechless (or dumb) | Perdi a fala |
I was stunned | Fiquei atônito |
I was stunned ? You could have knocked me down with a feather | Fiquei estupefado |
I was surprised at his behavior | Eu estranhei muito a atitude dele |
I was take in | Caí como um pato |
I was take in | Fui na conversa |
I was take in | Fui na onda |
I was taken aback | Fiquei desconcertado |
I was taken aback | Fiquei perplexo |
I was taken by surprise | Fui colhido de surpresa |
I was totally crushed | Fiquei arrasado |
I was up all night | Fiquei a noite toda acordado |
I was wrongly informed | Fui mal informado |
I wish I was there | Quisera estar lá |
If that were all it was | Se fosse só isso |
It is a year since I was here | Faz um ano que eu estive aqui |
It just so happens that I was there | Acontece que eu estava lá |
It just was not my day | Hoje não era meu dia |
It was a bad break | Foi um golpe de azar |
It was a close race | Foi uma corrida muito disputada |
It was a complete failure | Foi um fracasso total |
It was a dogfight | Foi uma briga entre cães |
It was a failure | Foi um desastre (fig.) |
It was a flash in the pan | Foi um êxito fugaz |
It was a flash in the pan | Morreu na casca |
It was a hard pull to get up the hill | Foi difícil subir a colina |
It was a hard-fought game | Foi um jogo muito disputado |
It was a hard-fought race | Foi uma corrida muito disputada |
It was a hit below the belt | Foi um golpe baixo (desleal) |
It was a howling success | Foi um sucesso estrondoso |
It was a lapse on my part | Foi um lapso de minha parte |
It was a lucky break | Foi um golpe de sorte |
It was a near go | Escapei por pouco |
It was a positive miracle | Foi um verdadeiro milagre |
It was a real pleasure | Foi realmente um prazer |
It was a setup | Foi marmelada (jogo, luta, etc.) (fig.) |
It was a stab in the back | Foi um golpe traiçoeiro (fig.) |
It was about time | Já era tempo |
It was about time | Já estava na hora |
It was an insane attempt | Foi uma vã tentativa |
It was an upset | Deu `zebra' (esp.) |
It was as if the world was coming to an end | Parecia que o mundo ia acabar |
It was bad form | Foi falta de educação |
It was gotten to be quite late | Já é bem tarde |
It was great fun | Foi muito divertido |
It was love at first sight | Foi amor à primeira vista |
It was lovely while it lasted | Foi bom enquanto durou |
It was my good fortune to be born in this city | Tive a felicidade de nascer nesta cidade |
It was nice meeting you | Foi um prazer conhecê-lo |
It was nip and tuck | Foi pau a pau |
It was not easy at all | Não foi nada fácil |
It was not meant to be | Não era para ser |
It was nothing like what we expected | Não era nada daquilo que esperávamos |
It was quite a surprise to me | Foi uma grande surpresa para mim |
It was really a lot of fun | Foi muito divertido |
It was rough | Foi fogo (fig.) |
It was then believed the world was flat | Acreditava-se naquela época que a terra era plana |
It was this big | Era deste tamanho |
It was unintentional | Foi sem querer |
It was very kind of you | Foi muito gentil de sua parte |
Little damage was done | Houve poucos danos |
My conscience was eating me up | Minha consciência estava me matando |
My flight was delayed | Meu vôo atrasou-se |
My paycheck was delayed | Meu pagamento atrasou-se |
My pocket was picked | Bateram a minha carteira |
No agreement was reached | Não houve acordo |
No one was injuried | Não houve feridos |
Not a soul was about ? Not a solitary soul was there | Não havia uma alma sequer |
Not a soul was about ? Not a solitary soul was there | Não havia uma vivalma |
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess... | Era uma vez uma bela princesa... |
Our regular teacher was absent today | Nosso professor efetivo faltou hoje |
Rain was pouring down | Estava caindo uma forte chuva |
She was bereaved by the death of her father | Ela ficou desolada com a morte do pai |
She was dressed in white | Ela estava vestida de branco |
She was once a beautiful woman | Ela já foi uma mulher bonita |
She was touched by the child's tears | Ela comoveu-se com as lágrimas da criança |
Telephone service was disrupted for hours | O serviço telefônico ficou interrompido por horas |
That is why there was a delay | Por isso houve atraso |
That was a dig at me | Isso foi comigo |
That was a shot at you | Essa foi para você (indireta) |
That was close | Essa foi por pouco |
That was close | Foi por pouco |
That was not on schedule | Isso não estava no programa |
The accident was as much his fault as hers | O acidente foi tanto culpa dele como dela |
The airplane was an epoch-marking invention | A invenção do avião marcou época |
The auditorium was filled to capacity | O auditório ficou superlotado |
The baby was the focus of attention | O bebê era o centro das atenções |
The bank was held up | O banco foi assaltado |
The beach was teeming with people | A praia estava cheia de gente |
The boy was baptized Paul | O menino foi batizado com o nome de Paulo |
The bus was taken off its usual run | O ônibus foi tirado da linha |
The car was a total loss | O carro ficou totalmente destruído |
The car was standing | O carro estava parado |
The challenge was made | O desafio está lançado |
The child was taken with the little pup | A criança ficou encantada com o cachorrinho |
The city was blacked out | A cidade estava as escuras |
The city was blacked out by the power failure | A cidade ficou às escuras devido à falta de energia |
The country was plunged into war | A nação foi arrastada a guerra |
The dog was run over by a bus | O cachorro foi atropelado por um ônibus |
The driver was unable to negotiate the curve | O motorista não conseguiu fazer a curva |
The electricity was cut off | A eletricidade foi cortada |
The English test was a breeze | A prova de inglês foi facílima |
The English test was murder | A prova de inglês foi difícil |
The game was called off on account of rain | O jogo foi cancelado por causa do mau tempo |
The game was fixed | O jogo foi marmelada |
The game was put off on account of rain | O jogo foi adiado devido à chuva |
The gate for the game was $... | A renda do jogo foi de $... |
The girl was baptized Ann | A menina foi batizada com o nome de Ana |
The governor was attended by his staff | O governador se fez acompanhar de seus assessores |
The hero was buried with full military honors | O herói foi sepultado com todas as honras militares |
The house was burned up | A casa foi destruída pelo incêndio |
The house was set on fire | A casa foi incendiada |
The market was flooded with false dollars | Houve um derrame de dólares falsos |
The meeting was held over until Friday | A reunião foi adiada para sexta-feira |
The meeting was presided over by the chairman | A reunião foi encabeçada pelo presidente |
The money was put to good use | O dinheiro foi bem empregado |
The motive for the crime was jealousy | O motivo do crime foi o ciúme |
The mountain was conquered | Conseguiram escalar a montanha |
The movie was held over for another week | O filme permaneceu em cartaz por mais de uma semana |
The movie was the pits | O filme foi uma bomba |
The murderer was put to death at dawn | O assassino foi executado ao amanhecer |
The mystery was cleared up | O mistério foi esclarecido |
The pacient was discharged from the hospital | O paciente teve alta hospitalar |
The pain was almost more than flesh could take | A dor era quase insuportável |
The pain was gone | A dor passou |
The plane was low on fuel | O avião estava com pouco combustível |
The plane was shot down | O avião foi abatido |
The play was not well received | A peça não agradou |
The power was cut off | Caiu a força |
The race was nip and tuck | A corrida foi disputada duramente |
The revolt was quickly put down | A rebelião foi dominada rapidamente |
The scandal was hushed up | O escândalo foi abafado |
The service was shut off | A linha foi desligada por falta de pagamento |
The ship was driven onto the rocks by the storm | O navio foi atirado contra as rochas pela tempestade |
The ship was wrecked on the rocks | O navio naufragou nas rochas |
The shot was way off the target | O tiro passou longe do alvo |
The stadium was filled to capacity | O estádio estava totalmente lotado |
The store was choked with customers | A loja estava repleta de fregueses |
The street was ablaze with lights | A rua estava resplandescente de luzes |
The street was crowded with cars | A rua estava repleta de carros |
The subject was brought up | O assunto foi trazido a baila |
The telephone was forever ringing | O telefone não parou de tocar |
The thief was caught red-handed (or in the act) | O ladrão foi preso em flagrante |
The train was right on time | O trem chegou no horário |
The transaction was not completed | A transação não se concretizou |
The trial was a travesty of justice | O julgamento foi uma caricatura de justiça |
The trophy was bestowed upon the winner | O troféu foi entregue ao vencedor |
The vase was smashed to bits | O vaso quebrou em mil pedaços |
The whole town was in a holiday mood | A cidade toda estava em clima de festa |
The world was pulled out from under me | O mundo desmoronou para mim |
There was a deadly silence | Houve um silêncio sepulcral |
There was a heavy rain | Caiu uma forte chuva |
There was a run on the banks | Houve uma corrida aos bancos |
There was not enough time | Não deu tempo |
There was once a castle here | Antigamente tinha um castelo aqui |
Victory was within his grasp | A vitória estava ao seu alcance |
Was it ever cold today! | Que frio fez hoje! |
Was it ever hot today! | Que calor fez hoje! |
We got on the train just as it was starting | Pegamos o trem em cima da hora |
What was your name again? | Como disse que era mesmo o seu nome? |
What was your name again? | Como é mesmo o seu nome? |
When everything was rosy | Quando tudo eram flores |
When I was your age | Quando eu tinha a sua idade |
When it was all over | Quando tudo havia terminado |
Your joke was in bad taste | Sua brincadeira foi de mau gosto |