Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra "took"

He took 10% off the billEle descontou 10% da conta/fatura
He took a beating (or a licking)Ele apanhou como cão ladrão
He took a beating (or a licking)Ele apanhou feio
He took a beating (or a licking)Ele apanhou para valer
He took a bowEle agradeceu aos aplausos
He took a civil service testEle prestou concurso público
He took a long chanceEle se arriscou muito
He took a second helpingEle serviu-se mais uma vez (à mesa)
He took a shine to herEle simpatizou com ela
He took a step forwardEle deu um passo à frente
He took all the blame upon himselfEle assumiu toda a responsabilidade
He took an awful chanceEle corre um grande risco
He took an oathEle prestou juramento
He took communionEle comungou
He took his own lifeEle suicidou-se
He took holy ordersEle ordenou-se padre/sacerdote
He took it to courtEle recorreu à justiça
He took legal actionEle entrou em juízo
He took money out of the bankEle retirou dinheiro do banco
He took offenseEle escandalizou-se
He took offense at thatEle ofendeu-se com isso
He took officeEle tomou posse
He took out a licenseEle tirou uma licença
He took part in the meetingEle participou da reunião
He took stock of the situationEle avaliou a situação
He took the cakeEle obteve o primeiro lugar
He took the leadEle passou à frente
He took the lid off the boxEle tirou a tampa da caixa
He took the oath of officeEle prestou o juramento de posse
He took the plungeEle aventurou-se
He took up the gauntletEle aceitou o desafio
He took up where he left offEle continuou falando
I got the message ? I took the hintEntendi a indireta
I had a bad fall ? I took a nasty fallLevei um tombo feio
I took a bad spillLevei um tombo feio
I took a blood testFiz exame de sangue
I took a college entrance examinationPrestei o exame vestibular
I took a driving testFiz exame de motorista
I took a little walk ? I went for a leisurely walkDei uma voltinha
I took a vowFiz promessa
I took after my fatherPuxei ao meu pai
I took after my motherPuxei à minha mãe
I took it for grantedAceitei como fato consumado
I took out life insuranceFiz seguro de vida
I took the rap ? I got the raw end of the dealPaguei o pato (fig.)
I took to my heelsDei no pé
I took you for somebody elseConfundi o senhor com outra pessoa
It took a whileLevou algum tempo
It took better than an hourLevou mais do que uma hora
Prices took a nose diveOs preços caíram vertiginosamente
She took her husband's death very hardEla ficou muito abalada com a morte do marido
She took vowsEla entrou para um convento
Terrorism and famine took a terrible toll in human livesO terrorismo e a fome colheram um terrível tributo em vidas humanas
The accident took a heavy toll of livesO acidente causou muitas mortes
The baby took his first steps todayO bebê deu seus primeiros passos hoje
The disease took a turn for the worseA doença agravou-se
The drought took a heavy toll in cattleA seca matou muito gado
The dye took, and the fabric became redO tecido absorveu a tinta vermelha
The earthquake took a heavy toll of livesO terremoto causou muitas mortes
The fire took a heavy toll of livesO incêndio causou muitas mortes
The fox took to earthA raposa entrou na toca
The hurricane took a heavy toll of livesO furacão causou muitas mortes
The law took effectA lei entrou em vigor
The medicine took effectO remédio fez efeito
The military took chargeOs militares assumiram o poder
The patient took a turn for the better/worseO estado do paciente melhorou/piorou
The plane took offO avião levantou vôo/(ou decolou)
The plane took off for LondonO avião partiu para Londres
The political dissident took refuge in the embassyO dissidente político refugiou-se na embaixada
The protest march took place without incidentsA marcha de protestos transcorreu sem incidentes
The secretary took down the minutes of the meetingA secretária lavrou a ata da reunião
The storm took a heavy toll of livesA tempestade causou muitas mortes
The war took a heavy toll of livesA guerra provocou muitas mortes
They took a shine to each otherEles sentiram-se atraídos um pelo outro
They took no prisionersNão fizeram prisioneiros
Upon the President's death, the Vice-President took the Nation's helmCom a morte do Presidente, o Vice-Presidente assumiu o governo
We took him for an honest manNós o tínhamos na conta de/como um homem honesto
We took in all the sightsNós visitamos todos os pontos de atração turística
We took them to the cleanersNós demos um baile neles (ganhamos) (fig.)
What a time it took you!Como você demorou!
What took you so long?Por que você demorou tanto?
You took an awful chanceVocê se arriscou muito