Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra "throughout"

Across (or throughout or down through) the agesAtravés dos tempos
All over the world ? Throughout the worldEm todo mundo
All year round ? Round the year ? Throughout the yearO ano todo
For life ? Throughout lifePor toda a vida
Over (down or throughout) the years/centuriesAtravés/Com o passar dos anos/séculos
Over (down through or throughout) the years/ centuriesAtravés/Com o decorrer dos anos/séculos
The house needs painting throughoutA casa precisa ser pintada inteiramente
The house needs painting throughoutA casa precisa ser toda pintada
The whole night through ? Throughout the nightDurante toda a noite
Throughout (or all through) lifeDurante a vida inteira
Throughout historyAo longo da história
Throughout lifePela vida afora
Throughout life ? All through lifeAo longo da vida
Throughout the dayO dia inteiro
Throughout the nightPela noite afora
Throughout the night ? All night longA noite inteira
Throughout the worldPelo mundo afora
Throughout the worldPelo mundo inteiro
Throughout the worldPor esse mundo afora
Throughout the yearDurante o ano todo
Throughout the yearsAtravés dos anos