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Inglês | Português |
After giving it a lot of thought | Depois de muito pensar |
After much thought | Depois de muito pensar |
After much thought? After giving it much thought | Após muito pensar |
Deep (or buried or wrapped) in thought | Em meditação profunda |
Do not give it a moment's thought | Nem pense nisso |
Do not give it a second thought | Nem pense mais nisso |
Give the matter careful (or plenty of) thought | Pense bem no assunto |
He acted without thought | Ele agiu sem pensar |
He should be a thought more considerate | Ele devia ter um pouco mais de consideração |
I gave the matter much thought | Pensei muito sobre o assunto |
I lost my train of thought | Perdi o fio da meada (fig.) |
I never thought I would live to see the day | Pensei que este dia jamais chegaria |
I never thought it would go this far | Nunca pensei que chegasse a esse ponto |
I never thought of it ? I never gave it a thought | Nunca pensei nisso |
I thought so | Eu imaginei isso |
I thought so ? I thought as much | Foi o que eu pensei |
I thought you were someone else | Pensei que fosse outra pessoa |
It is food for thought | É algo para se meditar |
It is food for thought | É um caso para se pensar |
It is nothing like I thought it would be | Não é nada daquilo que eu pensava |
Just as I thought | Tal como pensei |
Just as I thought ? That is what I thought | Foi o que eu pensei |
No one wishes to be thought a coward | Ninguém gosta de se passar por covarde |
Not even in thought | Nem em pensamento |
On second thought | Pensando melhor |
On second thought it is too dangerous | Pensando bem, é muito perigoso |
Perish the thought! | Nem pense nisso |
That is a comforting thought | Pelo menos é um consolo |
Think it over ? Give it some thought | Pense no assunto |
Think it over ? Give it some thought ? Think about it | Pense bem nisso |
Who would have thought it! | Ora, quem diria! |
Who would have thought it? | Quem diria? |