Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra "taken"

Do not be taken inNão vá na conversa
Do not be taken in by her promisesNão se deixe levar pelas promessas dela
Everything has been taken care ofJá foi tudo providenciado
He has never taken much interest in herEle nunca se interessou muito por ela
He was taken prisonerEle caiu em mãos inimigas
He was taken prisonerEle caiu prisioneiro
I had my picture takenFui tirar uma foto
I have been had ? I got taken ? I have been take inEntrei bem (fui logrado) (fig.)
I have taken up too much of your time alreadyJá tomei muito seu tempo
I was taken abackFiquei desconcertado
I was taken abackFiquei perplexo
I was taken by surpriseFui colhido de surpresa
Is this seat taken?Este lugar está ocupado?
It is being taken care ofEstá sendo providenciado
Man has taken his first steps into spaceO homem deu os primeiros passos no espaço sideral
Taken all in allConsiderando-se tudo por tudo
The bus was taken off its usual runO ônibus foi tirado da linha
The child was taken with the little pupA criança ficou encantada com o cachorrinho
The weather has taken a turn for the worseO tempo piorou
This needs to be taken care of at once ? Dash it offIsso precisa ser providenciado imediatamente
Unless severe measures be takenA menos que se tomem medidas severas