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Inglês | Português |
By ship | De navio |
He stowed away on a ship | Ele embarcou clandestinamente no navio |
On ship | A bordo |
Rats desert a sinking ship | Os ratos são os primeiros a abandonar o navio |
Ship ahoy! | Ó de bordo! |
The crew abandoned the ship | A tripulação abandonou o navio |
The hurricane carried the ship off course | O furacão fez com que o navio se desviasse da (sua) rota |
The ship called at London | O navio fez escala em Londres |
The ship is at anchor in the harbor | O navio está ancorado no porto |
The ship is destined for Africa | O navio está com destino à África |
The ship is riding at anchor in the harbor | O navio está ancorado no porto |
The ship is seaworthy | O navio está em condições de navegar |
The ship made port today | O navio chegou ao porto hoje |
The ship put into port | O navio entrou no porto |
The ship put into port/harbor | O navio atracou no porto |
The ship put out to sea | O navio zarpou |
The ship ran aground on a sandbank | O navio encalhou num banco de areia |
The ship ran ashore | O navio está encalhado na praia |
The ship ran the blockade | O navio furou o bloqueio |
The ship rode out a bad storm | O navio resistiu a uma forte tempestade |
The ship sailed off | O navio zarpou |
The ship wandered off course (or fell off its course) | O navio desviou-se da rota |
The ship was driven onto the rocks by the storm | O navio foi atirado contra as rochas pela tempestade |
The ship was wrecked on the rocks | O navio naufragou nas rochas |
The ship went down with all hands | O navio afundou com todos os tripulantes |
The ship went down ? The ship sank to the bottom | O navio foi a pique |
This ship draws 20 feet | Este navio tem vinte pés de calado |