Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra "sea"

At seaNo mar
At sea levelAo nível do mar
At the bottom of the seaNo fundo do mar
Between the devil and the deep blue seaEntre a cruz e a espada
By sea - By waterPor via marítima
By the seaÀ beira-mar
He always wanted to follow the seaEle sempre quis ser marinheiro
He is an old sea dogEle é um lobo-do-mar
I am between the devil and the deep blue seaEstou entre a cruz e a espada
On land, on sea, and in the airEm terra, mar e ar
On land, on sea. and in the airPor terra, mar e ar
The fleet put out to seaA frota zarpou para alto mar
The house fronts on the seaA casa fica de frente para o mar
The river empties into the seaO rio desemboca no mar
The sea washed the boat ashoreO mar lançou o barco à praia
The ship put out to seaO navio zarpou