Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra peace

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A proposal for peaceUma proposta de paz
At peaceEm paz
For the sake of peacePor amor à paz
For the sake of peace and quietPara ter sossego
Glory to God in the highest and to Earth peaceGlória a Deus nas alturas e paz na Terra
Health administers to peace of mindA saúde contribui para a paz de espírito
I am all for peaceNão sou de briga
In search of fame/happiness/glory/justice/peaceEm busca de fama/felicidade/glória/justiça/paz
In the quest for peaceÀ procura de paz
May he rest in peaceQue descanse em paz
May his soul rest in peaceQue a sua alma descanse em paz
Peace be unto youA paz esteja convosco (bíbl.)
Peace makes for prosperityA paz conduz (promove) à prosperidade
She gives him no peaceEla não lhe dá sossego
The dove is the emblem of peaceA pomba é o símbolo da paz
There is no hope for peaceNão há esperança de paz
There is not much outlook for peaceNão há muita perspectiva de paz
They made peace with each otherEles fizeram as pazes
To advance (or to forward or to further) the cause of peacePara propagar a causa da paz
To advance (or to further or to forward) the cause of peaceEm prol da paz
What are the chances for peace?Quais são as chances de paz?