Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra neck

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By a neckPor um pescoço (corrida de cavalos)
By the scruff of its neckPelo cangote
He held the dog by the scruff of his neckEle agarrou o cão pelo cangote
He is up to his ears (or neck) in debtEle deve a Deus e a todo mundo
I am not going to stick my neck outNão vou entrar nessa fria
I am not going to stick my neck outNão vou me arriscar
I am not going to stick my neck outNão vou pegar em rabo-de-foguete
I am up to my ears (or neck) in workEstou cheio de serviço
I am up to my ears (or neck) in workEstou sobrecarregado de serviço
I got it in the neck (or teeth) ? I got it on the chinLevei na cabeça
I will get it in the neckVou levar na cabeça
In my neck of the woodsLá pelos meus lados
In this neck of the woodsPor essas bandas
It is a pain in the neckÉ chato (enfadonho)