Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra lives

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A cat has nine livesO gato tem sete vidas (fig.)
At the cost of many livesÀ custa de muitas vidas
At the price of many livesÀ custa de muitas vidas
Cancer takes many livesO câncer ceifa muitas vidas
Everyone lives according to his meansCada um vive como pode
Half the world knows not how the other livesMetade do mundo não sabe como vive a outra metade
He has as many lives as a catEle tem fôlego de gato
He has as many lives as a catEle tem sete fôlegos
He lives beyond his meansSeus gastos excedem seus ganhos
He lives by beggingEle vive de mendicância
He lives by his witsEle vive de expedientes
He lives by his witsEle vive precariamente
He lives his faithEle vive de acordo com a sua fé
He lives in a world of make-believeEle vive num mundo de fantasia
He lives off his wifeEle vive às custas da mulher
He lives off investmentsEle vive de investimentos
He lives off the fat of the landEle vive na fartura
He lives on fruits and nutsEle alimenta-se de frutas e nozes
He lives on fruits and nutsEle vive de frutas e nozes
He lives on his revenuesEle vive de rendas
He lives on his salaryEle vive de seu salário
He lives on the edge of societyEle vive à margem da sociedade
He lives up to his principlesEle vive de acordo com os seus princípios
He lives up to his reputationEle está à altura de sua reputação
He who lives by the sword shall die by the swordQuem com ferro fere, com ferro será ferido
No one lives foreverNinguém vive eternamente
She lives solely for her childrenEla vive em função das crianças
Terrorism and famine took a terrible toll in human livesO terrorismo e a fome colheram um terrível tributo em vidas humanas
The accident took a heavy toll of livesO acidente causou muitas mortes
The earthquake took a heavy toll of livesO terremoto causou muitas mortes
The evil that men do lives after themQuem faz, paga
The fire took a heavy toll of livesO incêndio causou muitas mortes
The hurricane took a heavy toll of livesO furacão causou muitas mortes
The storm took a heavy toll of livesA tempestade causou muitas mortes
The tribe lives on a reservationA tribo vive numa reserva
The war took a heavy toll of livesA guerra provocou muitas mortes