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Inglês | Português |
A cat has nine lives | O gato tem sete vidas (fig.) |
At the cost of many lives | À custa de muitas vidas |
At the price of many lives | À custa de muitas vidas |
Cancer takes many lives | O câncer ceifa muitas vidas |
Everyone lives according to his means | Cada um vive como pode |
Half the world knows not how the other lives | Metade do mundo não sabe como vive a outra metade |
He has as many lives as a cat | Ele tem fôlego de gato |
He has as many lives as a cat | Ele tem sete fôlegos |
He lives beyond his means | Seus gastos excedem seus ganhos |
He lives by begging | Ele vive de mendicância |
He lives by his wits | Ele vive de expedientes |
He lives by his wits | Ele vive precariamente |
He lives his faith | Ele vive de acordo com a sua fé |
He lives in a world of make-believe | Ele vive num mundo de fantasia |
He lives off his wife | Ele vive às custas da mulher |
He lives off investments | Ele vive de investimentos |
He lives off the fat of the land | Ele vive na fartura |
He lives on fruits and nuts | Ele alimenta-se de frutas e nozes |
He lives on fruits and nuts | Ele vive de frutas e nozes |
He lives on his revenues | Ele vive de rendas |
He lives on his salary | Ele vive de seu salário |
He lives on the edge of society | Ele vive à margem da sociedade |
He lives up to his principles | Ele vive de acordo com os seus princípios |
He lives up to his reputation | Ele está à altura de sua reputação |
He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword | Quem com ferro fere, com ferro será ferido |
No one lives forever | Ninguém vive eternamente |
She lives solely for her children | Ela vive em função das crianças |
Terrorism and famine took a terrible toll in human lives | O terrorismo e a fome colheram um terrível tributo em vidas humanas |
The accident took a heavy toll of lives | O acidente causou muitas mortes |
The earthquake took a heavy toll of lives | O terremoto causou muitas mortes |
The evil that men do lives after them | Quem faz, paga |
The fire took a heavy toll of lives | O incêndio causou muitas mortes |
The hurricane took a heavy toll of lives | O furacão causou muitas mortes |
The storm took a heavy toll of lives | A tempestade causou muitas mortes |
The tribe lives on a reservation | A tribo vive numa reserva |
The war took a heavy toll of lives | A guerra provocou muitas mortes |