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Inglês | Português |
Because of the heavy rain | Devido à forte chuva |
Because of the heavy rains | Em decorrência das fortes chuvas |
He has a heavy accent | Ele tem um sotaque carregado |
He is a heavy drinker ? He drinks like a fish | Ele bebe muito |
He walks with a heavy foot | Ele tem um andar pesado |
In heavy weather | Com tempo bravo |
It makes heavy demands on my time | Isto toma muito o meu tempo |
The accident took a heavy toll of lives | O acidente causou muitas mortes |
The drought took a heavy toll in cattle | A seca matou muito gado |
The earthquake took a heavy toll of lives | O terremoto causou muitas mortes |
The fire took a heavy toll of lives | O incêndio causou muitas mortes |
The heavy rain made the river swell | As fortes chuvas elevaram o nível do rio |
The hurricane took a heavy toll of lives | O furacão causou muitas mortes |
The storm took a heavy toll of lives | A tempestade causou muitas mortes |
The war took a heavy toll of lives | A guerra provocou muitas mortes |
There was a heavy rain | Caiu uma forte chuva |
With a heavy accent | Com forte sotaque |
With a heavy heart | Com pesar |