Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra had

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A good time was had by allTodos se divertiram
After a long time had passedDepois de passado muito tempo
Fate had planned it soO destino quis assim
Fate had willed it otherwiseO destino não quis
For dessert we had fruit saladComo sobremesa tivemos salada de frutas
For dessert we had...Como sobremesa tivemos...
God had planned it soDeus quis assim
Have you had lunch yet?Já almoçou?
He had a big cake made for the partyEle encomendou um bolo grande para a festa
He had a falling out with his father over financial mattersEle discutiu com o pai por questões financeiras
He had a long bout of illnessEle atravessou um período de longa doença
He had better watch outEle que se cuide
He had cleared up the mysteryEle esclareceu o mistério
He had his fillEle tirou a barriga da miséria
He had his head shavedEle raspou a cabeça
He had to put up a hard fightEle teve que lutar arduamente
He had to put up with the incovenienceEle teve que se conformar com a inconveniência
He looked as if he had seen a ghostParecia que ele tinha visto um fantasma
He pointed out the mistakes she had madeEle apontou os erros que ela havia feito
I had a bad fall ? I took a nasty fallLevei um tombo feio
I had a bad scareLevei um grande susto
I had a caesarian sectionFiz cesariana
I had a close brush with deathVia morte de perto
I had a close call (or shave)Escapei por pouco
I had a crashDei uma batida (trânsito)
I had a crashDei uma trombada (trânsito)
I had a great timeDiverti-me muito
I had a hard time getting up earlyFoi difícil levantar cedo
I had a light breakfastTomei um cafezinho minguado
I had a narrow escapeNasci de novo (fig.)
I had a narrow escapeEscapei por pouco
I had a narrow escape from deathEscapei da morte por pouco
I had a splendid tripEu fiz uma ótima viagem
I had back luckDei azar
I had better go before it rainsÉ melhor eu ir antes que chova
I had lunch on the flyAlmocei correndo
I had my eyesight testedFiz exame de vista
I had my fortune toldMandei ler a minha sorte
I had my heart in my mouthFiquei com o coração na mão
I had my picture takenFui tirar uma foto
I had my sayO que tinha que falar, já falei
I had the time of my life ? I had a whale of a good timeDiverti-me a valer
I had to get it off my chestTive que desabafar
I had zero for lunch todayNão almocei hoje
I have been had ? I got taken ? I have been take inEntrei bem (fui logrado) (fig.)
I have had enough of itEstou farto disso
I have had enough of itPara mim chega!
I have had itJá estou cheio disso
I have had it!Já estou cheio!
I have had it!Não agüento mais!
I have had it!Para mim, chega!
I have had no answer to my letter yetEu ainda não tive uma resposta à minha carta
I split my sides laughing ? I had a good laughMorri de dar risada
I wish I hadOxalá tivesse
I wish I had a lot of moneyAntes tivesse muito dinheiro
I wish I had been born a manEu gostaria de ter nascido homem
If I had only knownSe eu tivesse a idéia
She gave birth to a child ? She had a babyEla deu à luz
She had a caesarean sectionEla fez cesariana
She had an abortionEla fez aborto
She had an emotional upsetEla foi acometida de violenta crise nervosa
She had her nails manicuredEla fez as unhas
She had plastic surgery doneEla fez plástica
Thanks, I've had enough!Obrigado, estou satisfeito (à mesa)
The cat had kittensA gata deu cria
The egg had a double yolkO ôvo tinha duas gemas
The horse had to be put awayO cavalo teve que ser sacrificado
The movie had a long runO filme permaneceu em cartaz por muito tempo
The play had (or received) a good pressA peça foi bem recebida pela crítica
The play had a bad pressA peça foi mal recebida pela crítica
The play had a long runA peça permaneceu muito tempo em cartaz
The play had bad reviewsA peça foi mal recebida pela crítica
The police had been tipped off about the robberyA polícia foi avisada a respeito do roubo
The thief had several aliasesO ladrão usava diversos nomes falsos
They had wordsEles discutiram acirradamente
They had wordsEles tiveram uma discussão
We had a chatBatemos um papo
We had a heart-to-heart talkTivemos uma conversa franca
We had a hurried lunchAlmoçamos às pressas
We had better get readyE melhor nos prepararmos
What had we got ourselves into?Em que é que nos havíamos metido?
You had better to do itÉ melhor que você o faça