Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra "close"

At a close range ? From close byDe perto
At close rangeDe curta distância
At close range (or quarters)À queima roupa
At close range ? Close at handBem de perto
At the closeNo encerramento
At the close of the dayAo entardecer
At the close of the dayAo fim do dia
At the close of the meetingAo término da reunião
At the end (or close) of the day ? At day's endNo fim do dia
At the end (or close) of the day ? At day's endNo final do dia
Close the door tightFeche bem a porta
Do not get close!Não chegue perto
From close at hand ? At close handDe perto
He brought the meeting to a closeEle encerrou a reunião
He fired at close rangeEle atirou queima-roupa
I had a close brush with deathVia morte de perto
I had a close call (or shave)Escapei por pouco
In close collaborationEm estreita colaboração
In hot (or close) pursuit ? In full cryEm perseguição cerrada
It is quite closeÉ pertinho daqui
It was a close raceFoi uma corrida muito disputada
Pay close attentionPreste bem atenção
She held her close in their armsEla a abraçou fortemente
Shut the windows closeFeche bem as janelas
Stay close to meFique perto de mim
Stick around a while ? Keep close byFique por perto
That was closeEssa foi por pouco
That was closeFoi por pouco
Time to close upEstá na hora de fechar
Would you kindly close the door?Quer ter a bondade de fechar a porta?