Expressões idiomáticas em inglês com a palavra agree

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Do you agree to that?Você concorda com isso?
Do you agree with me?Você concorda comigo?
I agree to the planConcordo com o plano
I agree with you in that regardNesse particular, concordo com você/consigo
I agree with you thereAt concordo com você/consigo
I fully (or totally) agreeEstou de pleno acordo
I fully (or totally) agreeEstou inteiramente de acordo
I fully (or totally) agreeEstou plenamente de acordo
I fully (or totally) agree with youConcordo plenamente com você/consigo
I fully agreeConcordo inteiramente
I will not agree to his goingNão concordo com a sua ida
It does not agree with meFaz-me mal
Pork does not agree with meCarne de porco me faz mal
Spicy food does not agree with meComida condimentada me faz mal
This climate does not agree with meNão me dou com o clima daqui